What is and what is the use of Horsetail

Cola de Caballo

The Horsetail

The horsetail or Equisetum arvense is a species of shrub belonging to the family of equisetáceas.

In ancient times, Greece, Rome and China were already known for their health properties. It is currently one of the most used medicinal plants in the world.

In English it is known as horsetail.

The horsetail grows in the form of a bush in warm and temperate places.

Horsetail is one of the most consumed medicinal plants in the world for its therapeutic and aesthetic properties, it is a product with great `purifying properties and great effects for the beauty and health of the skin

Horsetail is a plant whose stems are rich in salts such as silicon and potassium,

The most important spokes of the horsetail are as follows:

The most important action of the horsetail is diuretic action, highly indicated for fluid retention and eliminates toxins from the body helps to lose weight.

Helps heal wounds, helps regenerate cells

Helps heal sore tendons

It has astringent capacity

Remineralizes the oseo system.

The most important aesthetic effects are:

Helps combat eczema and herpes fungi

Strengthens the nails by their high content of equisetum.

On the skin helps maintain and recover connective tissue health

Helps prevent wrinkles and regenerates tissues damaged by weight loss.

It nourishes and invigorates the skin and hair because of its high content of silica.

The presentation on the market is very varied, from infusion to syrup or tablets.


It is not advisable to use it in case of pregnancy or lactation

, It is not recommended for use in children.

Do not take in case of gastritos or stomach problems.

Do not take if you are taking anti-inflammatory, diuretic laxatives, in any case consult your doctor before starting the horsetail shots.

Do not administer to animals, can be toxic and even deadly

Prolonged use can cause symptoms such as fever, headache, loss of appetite digestive pains and nervous disorders so it is advised not to take it for more than six weeks in a row.

Do not take if you are being treated with nicotine patches.

Do not take if you have diabetes, especially in group II.

Horsetail can be found at our herbalist Salutemshop.com






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