Migrasin 30 capsules. Enzyme DAO. Dr. Healthcare.



Migrasin 30 capsules. Enzyme DAO. Dr. Healthcare.
Migrasin ® is the only treatment that prevents the onset of symptoms caused by deficiency of DAO.

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Migrasin 30 capsules. Enzyme DAO. Dr. Healthcare. .
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Worldwide, 12% of the population suffers from migraines. Migrasin ® is the only treatment that prevents the onset of symptoms caused by deficiency of DAO. Contains extract of enzyme diamine oxidase (DAO), caffeine and B vitamins A dietetic food for special medical purposes, which serves as a supplement in the dietary enzyme deficit DAO.

* Migraines and other headaches.
* Digestive disorders.
* Muscle contractures.
* Dolores osteopathic.
* Skin disorders.

Histamine is a vital molecule that is present in all foods from the daily diet and is the mediator of many biological processes such as inflammation, gastric acid secretion, neuromodulation and regulation of immune function.
Under normal conditions, histamine ingested is degraded by the enzyme diamine oxidase (DAO) in the small intestine.
                                                                                                                                                                    THE PROBLEM.
If the DAO enzyme is reduced, it can not degrade histamine ingested and pass through the intestinal mucosa into the circulation causing the appearance of symptoms.

Migrasin ® provides DAO exogenous intake necessary to restore the metabolism of histamine.

Take 1 or 2 capsules with water some twenty or thirty minutes before meals.

It contains histamine, lactose or gluten suitable with people with diabetes (0.008 UB / capsule). It is not a drug and has no side effects or adverse.




Ce produit est tout simplement miraculeux !!! J'ai des migraines depuis l'âge de 18 ans et ai essayé toutes sortes de médicaments dont les triptans et anti-inflammatoires, les traitements de fond de type candesartan et autres Avlocardyl 160. Ca n'a jamais marché. J'ai trouvé par hasard, sur internet, ce produit. Je le prend depuis presque un mois à raison de presque cinq comprimés par jour, de façon rigoureuse, en faisant attention de respecter les indications d'administration et... OUF, c'est extraordinaire... Je vais ENFIN MIEUX... Je veux ici dire MERCI MERCI MERCI 1000 fois cent mille fois au Docteur Healthcare pour cette invention. Et surtout n'arrêtez pas la fabrication car j'ai infiniment besoin de ce produit... Enfin un produit efficace et pas dangereux pour l'organisme...

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    Migrasin 30 capsules. Enzyme DAO. Dr. Healthcare.

    Migrasin 30 capsules. Enzyme DAO. Dr. Healthcare.

    Migrasin 30 capsules. Enzyme DAO. Dr. Healthcare.
    Migrasin ® is the only treatment that prevents the onset of symptoms caused by deficiency of DAO.

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